Monday, July 19, 2010

Project Details

The planning application is for a new 2FE primary school to replace the two existing school buildings, previously known as Lynworth and Whaddon schools.

The new school will be built on the vacated Lynworth site as a 1.5FE primary school with core facilities (hall, admin etc) built for a 2FE school in order that the school could expand easily to 2FE in the future should there be demand for more school places in the area.

Extended School Facilities

Most primary schools offer some of their facilities to children, their families
and the wider community. Community involvement and engagement are at the
heart of the school’s vision so there will also be approximately 10% Extended
Services provision at the new Oakwood School to provide accommodation that
is welcoming and accessible to the whole community. A Community Art/Display
space, Internet Cafe and a Community Parent Room for meetings, discussions
and training etc are proposed within this application.

Playing Fields

It is intended that the existing playing fields on the Lynworth site will continue
to be used by Oakwood School when the Lynworth school building is empty. The
proposal for a ‘Forest School’ on the new school site is also intended to be set up
during the construction phase. As a result, there will be no loss of use of playing
field space during the building of the school and the site will be seen to be in
operation by the local community throughout the construction phase.


The school will be designed using Gloucestershire’s Brief for Primary Schools
and the methodology and guidance in Building Bulletin 99 to respond well to the
educational vision and aspirations of the LA and Oakwood Primary School and
its community. The design will ensure stimulating environments are provided to
enable the aims of the Transformational Agenda to be met. The school will be
designed in such a way to provide:

BREEAM Rating and score

‘The building will achieve a Very Good BREAM rating. The team are however striving to achieve an Excellent rating with a predicted score of 71%.’

The key innovative and low-impact design features of the building

The new Oakwood school development will be designed with many passive energy efficient design features to minimise the energy used and associated carbon produced. Maximum benefit has been utilised of the suns solar energy, daylight and natural ventilation through careful design of buildings orientation and facade. Solar energy provides a natural source of heating to areas of the building through carefully controlled vertical/ horizontal solar shading where applicable. Thermal modelling of the building’s internal environment has been carried out to ensure that the internal spaces do not overheat for set periods of the year. Day lighting to internal areas has been maximised by the fenestration design including borrowed light between spaces from corridor roof lights and internally glazed screens. Due to the high levels of daylight penetrating into the building, dimmable high frequency control gear has been provided to most areas of the building to reduce artificial lighting levels through photoelectric lighting controls. Automatic lighting controls throughout the building provide absence detection to turn off artificial lighting when areas are unoccupied. A Biomass ‘Wood Pellet’ boiler has been provided as the primary heating source for the building. This system will be supplemented by the gas fired heating system when required which will also act as a standby heating system. A rainwater harvesting tank will be installed underground where recycled water will be distributed around the building to flush WC’s which will ultimately save on water consumption. A ‘Mixed Mode’ ventilation strategy has been designed for Teaching spaces which utilises natural ventilation via opening windows but is supplemented by assisted mechanical ventilation complete with high efficiency heat recovery during peak summer and winter times only. All incoming mains services will be metered as will sub distribution services around the building so that the building users can view and assess their energy usage throughout various areas of the building.

Cost Summary

• Basic Building Cost - £/m2 £1,157/m2
Building area is 2,410, so basic build cost excluding as noted above £5.08m.
• Services Costs - £/m2 £605/m2
• ExternalWorks - £/m2 £316/m2
• Gross floor area - m2 2410sqm
• Total area of site – hectares 2.66 hectare
• Function areas and their size (m2) based on the 2form entry school Basic Teaching 890 m2
- Halls 225 m2
- Learning resources 143 m2
- Administration 125 m2
- Catering 60 m2
- Toilets and personal care 117 m2
- 10% additional services
• Area of circulation (m2) 360m2
• Area of storage (m2) 202m2


10% extended services, however the community will be able to use the facilities in the evening and therefore 19 % (Halls, Family room, community exhibition space, extended services room)

Energy Consupmtion

• Predicted electricity consumption - kWh/m2 27.02 kWh/m2
• Predicted fossil fuel consumption - kWh/m2 23.76 kWh/m2

• Predicted renewable energy generation - kWh/m2 48.24 kWh/m2

• Predicted water use - m3/person/year 3 m3/person/year

• 40% predicted water use to be provided by rainwater or greywater